A che servono anni di studio o di ricerca non solo culturale ma anche interiore, quando esiste la PARENTELA!
Ah che grande cosa! Ma si, che mi frega se un professionista ha impiegato minuti ed ore per un disegno, per quattro linee buttate su un foglio.
Che mi importa se la cifra che mi viene proposta è carica di rischi, di responsabilità, precisione e coerenza, oltre che di qualche zero. Mio cugino me lo fa per meno! E mio nipote poi non parliamone neppure!
Allora accade che i "palchi" non reggano più, accade che il valore non esiste, si perde tutto... Non si tratta di pessimismo, ma di una fotografia della realtà di oggi.
Qual è il prezzo della parentela?
Beh in quegli spazi, su quelle solette e sotto quei solai, realizzati a regola d'arte dal parente serpente che ha cercato di arrabattarsi per costruire in qualche modo... Ci camminerete voi... Di certo non io!
Un grande in bocca al lupo... Fatemelo sapere ;-)
And 'common knowledge that everyone can do everything, you know with certainty that there is no need to build expertise, to develop a project, to design.
Who needs years of study or research not only cultural but also interior, where there is a familiar RELATIONSHIP!
Ah, what a great thing! But yeah, what do I care if a professional took minutes and hours for a drawing for four lines thrown on a sheet.
What do I care if the figure comes proposal is fraught with risks, responsibility, accuracy and consistency, as well as some zero. My cousin do it for less! Then my nephew, did not talk about it!
So it happens that the "stages" would not last longer, it happens that the value does not exist, you lose everything ... This is not pessimism, but a picture of the reality of today.
What is the price of familiar relationship?
Well, in those spaces, those floors and those floors below, made perfection by the familiar snake that tried to arrabattarsi to build in some way ... you will walk above ... Certainly not me!
Good luck ... Please let me know ;-)
And 'common knowledge that everyone can do everything, you know with certainty that there is no need to build expertise, to develop a project, to design.
Who needs years of study or research not only cultural but also interior, where there is a familiar RELATIONSHIP!
Ah, what a great thing! But yeah, what do I care if a professional took minutes and hours for a drawing for four lines thrown on a sheet.
What do I care if the figure comes proposal is fraught with risks, responsibility, accuracy and consistency, as well as some zero. My cousin do it for less! Then my nephew, did not talk about it!
So it happens that the "stages" would not last longer, it happens that the value does not exist, you lose everything ... This is not pessimism, but a picture of the reality of today.
What is the price of familiar relationship?
Well, in those spaces, those floors and those floors below, made perfection by the familiar snake that tried to arrabattarsi to build in some way ... you will walk above ... Certainly not me!
Good luck ... Please let me know ;-)